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Better Call Saul Season 4 Will Cross-Over With Breaking Bad


The overlap between Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad is growing bigger and bigger, with the fourth season of Better Call Saul right around the corner.

AMC has renewed the Breaking Bad prequel and revealed that the fourth season of the show will move closer and closer to the Breaking Bad years.

Actor Gilligan revealed the following about the fourth season of the show:

“It gets darker, it gets richer,” he said. “It’s still got funny in it, but on the Venn diagram of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, the overlap in the center is getting bigger and bigger.
“There is a very important character – I’m not promising you ever saw this character, but there was a very important character nonetheless from the Breaking Bad era who we’re going to meet this year.”

Executive producer Melissa Bernstein shared that the character in question is Lalo.
This name was mentioned in Breaking Bad, but we have never seen this character, eventhough the important role the character plays.

Time will tell. This is going to be exciting!

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Glenn van den Bosch