10 Of Our Favorite Instagram Posts By Jake Chams

Photo by: Scott Borerro
10 favorite? Uh… more like a sneak peak of a few faves out of our 775 other faves. Yeah, that sounds more like it.
If you don’t know who Jake Chams is, he’s a super talented photographer and videographer who is currently on tour with Panic! At The Disco! He has taken photos of P!ATD, Halsey, Lorde, Post Malone, and more.
With 785 posts so far, picking 10 was extremely difficult! You should try choosing too, and you’ll see what we mean.
Check out 10 of our favorite Instagram posts by Jake Chams below:
10. That angle though! *heart eyes*
9. Loving those intimate backstage moment shots
8. Halsey with Brendon’s gold mic was an iconic moment
7. This was Sarah Urie’s wallpaper, need we say more?
6. It’s probably every photographers goal to catch this moment!
5. Loving this silly backstage moment of Lorde and her crew
4. The look on Brendon’s face always makes us laugh when we see this photo. We wonder what he was thinking…
3. No words needed. Just look at the beauty!
2. A true star
1. The little firefly lights on the bridge combined with the foggy forest in this photo leave us completely speechless
Do you love Jake’s Instagram too? If so, which of his posts are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @StrifeMagazine!Written by Melanie Gomez