‘A Reintroduction: The Essence Of All That Surrounds Me’, Collab With Counterparts & Much More With Capsize
We recently sat down with the band to ask them a few questions about this new record, what it was like to collab with Counterparts vocalist Brendan and much more.
Our entire conversation can be read below.
You’ve just released your sophomore album “A Reintroduction: The Essence Of All That Surrounds Me”. Why did you choose this album title? Do you feel like you need a reintroduction? If yes, why?
I chose this title to make it loud and clear that there was something happening that was not a continuation of the first record. I don’t need one, but a significant sonic change is what happened naturally as we discussed the future and it was only fair to label it that way to current fans.
Can you tell us a little about the songwriting and recording process for this album? Were there any differences to the recording of your first album “The Angst in My Veins”?
When we were writing The Angst In My Veins it was just me and Ryan [Knowles, guitar] writing songs directly on to my computer and we had a rather closed box that we were working within as far as branching too far out of the subgenre song to song. We felt like we needed 10 songs that all matched perfectly and that’s what was released. This new record had a lot more conversation, showcasing how broad of a spectrum we are capable of as opposed to being heart set on one idea.
What inspires you most when you’re writing a song?
I just need it to affect me on an emotional level the very first time it’s played back. If I feel it hard before it’s even completely worked out, I know I’m doing what’s right for me.
Your single “Tear Me Apart” features Brendan from Counterparts. How did that come about?
We have toured with Counterparts and handful of times and I was sending Brendan little snippets of what we were working on while in the studio. He seemed in big support of it, so we offered him to take part and it was recorded and sent back to us just a few days later. Really looking forward to ending up on the road together again so we can perform it exactly as it’s heard.
Which band or artists would you love to work with in the future?
I’d love to get some direction on a song we were writing from people like Sonny Moore or John Feldmann. People that can just crank out hits.
Kev Baird from Two Door Cinema Club recently wrote a guest article defending Spotify and streaming music in general. You can read it here: https://www.thelineofbestfit.com/features/reference-points/an-artists-defence-of-streaming-by-two-door-cinema-club
What is your opinion on this? Do you agree with him or do you think that streaming music is the beginning of the end for the music business?
I don’t think it’s the beginning of the end. I think music listening is becoming more and more about what’s fast and easy. I think there’s a very long discussion to be taken place on the best way to find an advantage in that as an artist and as a label, and how they still need each other no matter how it’s listened to afterwards.
After Vans Warped Tour this summer, you’ve got quite a few shows planned for the rest of the year: from Japan in September back to the US in October and then over the pond to Europe in November. Is there a country or city you’re looking forward to playing in the most?
Southern California and Texas always show up the best time in the States. In Japan, anywhere is just as exciting is the next. You feel like you’re in a whole new world either way. As for Europe, we have so many friends in Germany that playing there is always the highlight of the tour.
What were your personal highlights of Vans Warped?
When we got to Las Vegas we were able to play on an indoor stage and after a few weeks of spending 14 hours a day outside, that was a real treat. The top it off, from that show on we were able to perform on a bigger platform of the Monster stages, where there is a lot more of an opportunity to be found by new people for a band like us.
Which band(s) of the lineup would you recommend to our readers?
Old Wounds and Safe to Say were my personal favorites of the Full Sail stage. For the more established bands, Every Time I Die and Motionless In White were extreme pleasures to perform alongside.
A lot of bands seem to split up lately like The Maccabees, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Yashin – just to name a few. What makes you stick together as a band?
I think a band stays together as long as everyone stays motivated. As long as everyone is on the same page with what the next goals are, that’s what keeps it fun.
What are your long-term goals for Capsize?
Give people music that they can connect with on such a deep level that they consider the fact that they a fan of it, part of who they are. There are a few artists whose songs influence me musically, and as a person, beyond what I could every explain and it would just be cool to be able to have my music be there for someone to that extreme.
Now, to close this interview with an extremely hard question: what’s your most favorite song at the moment?
Halsey – Colors
Catch the band live on their current tour with Being As An Ocean or jam their latest record below!