LIVE REVIEW: Melanie Martinez Gives Amsterdam Masterclass Storytelling With Show Surrounding ‘K-12’
Following the release of the ragingly popular new album ‘K-12’, Melanie Martinez and crew flew over to Europe for a couple of shows across the continent. We consider ourselves very lucky that Amsterdam was among these couple of shows on her tour schedule!
After endless waiting, Melanie Martinez released her sophomore album ‘K-12’, accompanied with an entire movie back in September. The movie even played in a couple of cinema’s over the globe and had several sold-out showings in Melkweg, the same venue where Melanie Martinez would perform in front of a sold-out crowd this evening.
Melanie Martinez wrote and directed the movie ‘K-12’ herself, which made fans very eager to see what she had done with the shows surrounding this new album/movie.
Of course, the movie was heavily involved in the live show, as she brought several scenes to life with dancers, backdrops and props. She even brought the gigantic dress in which she’s seen singing ‘Strawberry Shortcake’.
Throughout the show, as the set and wardrobe changes were taking place, the audience, or ‘class’ was taught a new lesson which was shown on the massive screen on stage. These classes had everything to do with individuality, respect and (self)love and were loudly applauded.
Musically, Melanie Martinez truly outdid herself with these shows. The artistry, music and showmanship were outstanding and it was a thrilling experience to hear the entire album from A-Z in a live format, truly bringing film and music alive.
After performing ‘K-12’ in its entirety (unfortunately excluded the very last track ‘Recess’, Melanie Martinez did an encore consisting of only one song off of the debut effort ‘Cry Baby’, which put Melanie Martinez on the map back in 2015. While performing this track, Martinez was visibly enjoying herself. For the ‘K-12′ songs, Martinez had restricted herself in terms of movement etc. to perfectly capture the essence of each song and do the movie justice. For the very last track, Martinez’ could just perform as most artists do: improvisional and passionate.
We feel very fortunate to have been present on this wonderful evening and you can check out several photographs of Melanie Martinez’ stunning show in the gallery below.